Friday, June 23, 2006 - English
"Quasiturbine - A New Approach"
An engine for optimum efficiency and clean environment
under any load, torque, pressure, flow, power or RPM !
The piston engine has been dominant for over a century.
Have we abdicated to do better? And if better exists, are we going to give it a try?

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Personal Tech Pipeline | 4 Out Of 5 New Home Buyers Want Solar Power

Personal Tech Pipeline | 4 Out Of 5 New Home Buyers Want Solar Power: "4 Out Of 5 New Home Buyers Want Solar Power

By Mark LaPedus Courtesy of EE Times

SAN JOSE, Calif. — Eight out of ten Americans believe that homebuilders should offer solar power as an option for all new home construction, according to a new survey from the world's largest solar-cell producer, Japan's Sharp Electronics Corp."

Friday, June 16, 2006

Advanced Technologies & Energy Efficiency

Advanced Technologies & Energy Efficiency: "Only about 15% of the energy from the fuel you put in your tank gets used to move your car down the road or run useful accessories, such as air conditioning. The rest of the energy is lost to engine and driveline inefficiencies and idling. Therefore, the potential to improve fuel efficiency with advanced technologies is enormous."

Treehugger: Solar Powered Air Conditioning Just Makes Sense

Treehugger: Solar Powered Air Conditioning Just Makes Sense: "Solar Powered Air Conditioning Just Makes Sense
June 15, 2006 06:22 AM - Lloyd Alter, Toronto

Some concepts just make sense- like when the developer of a solar powered pontoon boat pointed out-'Since most recreational boating is done when the weather is nice, solar power is particularly well adapted to the task.' We were thinking that way while looking for a solar powered air conditioner- when do you need it? When it is hot and sunny. We looked at Justin's SolCool but we knew that natural gas fired AC units or propane fridges existed and thought heat is heat- there must be one somewhere, and put google to work. This is the first of a series- the Direct-Fired Absorption system.(DFA)"